Monday, 17 July 2023

Gunawan Jusuf: Indonesian Sugar Tycoon with a Penchant for Writing


Alongside his prominent position as the CEO of the Sugar Group Companies, Gunawan Jusuf has proven himself to be more than just a business leader – he is also an accomplished writer. Several years ago, he authored and published a significant work titled "Blue Gold" with the profound hope of catalyzing a shift in attitudes towards water and other finite natural resources. In this thought-provoking book, Gunawan Jusuf fearlessly explores the immense value of water and its precarious scarcity, given its status as the world's most vital and cherished commodity. His aspiration is that the book will inspire a positive transformation in public perception.

Drawing from his extensive business background, Gunawan Jusuf has gained unparalleled insights into the critical importance of limited natural resources, not only for sustenance but also for the economy at large. As the CEO of the Sugar Group Companies, his role extends beyond the purview of a single enterprise. Rather, he adeptly oversees a diverse array of independent companies, each engaged in the cultivation and refinement of sugar for a wide spectrum of immensely popular products within Indonesia. Among them stands the highly acclaimed brand Gulaku, now an integral part of Indonesian households. Gunawan Jusuf's multifaceted approach to leadership has undoubtedly contributed to the resounding success of his business ventures.

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